We're proud to offer free tracked shipping on ALL Items! Tracking and secure checkout are provided for all orders.

Processing Time:
We do our best to process & ship all orders as soon as possible. Most orders are processed within 24 hours - 72 hours max.

Tracking your order Time:
All orders include tracking information that is normally sent via email within 48 hours after the order has been shipped. You can also track your order using your tracking number.

Customs & Duties:
All shipping charges (or free shipping promos) listed include customs, duty, and taxes.

Lost / Stolen package:
Our customer’s satisfaction is our top priority so we cover any case of exceptional delay or even loss in transit and offer a free reshipment or a refund.

If the order does not make it to its destination and is delayed in a local post office, customers are responsible for contacting the carrier before receiving a reshipment\refund.

If you have entered a wrong shipping information, you are not eligible for a reshipment or a refund. 

My order hasn't arrived:
If you haven't received your order within 30 business days, your order is eligible for refunds or free reshipment. Please email us at: [email protected] 

Estimated shipping times by country:


Estimated time

United Kingdom

8-13 Business Days


*Local holidays in origin countries that may cause a delay in shipping are not considered as business days. 

If you are on this page, we assume something with your order went wrong, contact one of our friendly customer care at: [email protected] 

We will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.